It is well known that the soil is the primary requirement for the growth and yield of any plant. And the health of the soil should be the utmost priority for the farmers for their very livelihood maintenance and betterment. And soil test is an important tool to check the health of the soil and its suitability and required nutrients for the different types of crops.
The neutrality of the various nutrients of the soil is vital to keep a plant healthy and reap the harvest. Unfortunately most of the farmers do not attach importance to soil testing. Soil testing is the tool used to test of the soil mainly determines the growth of different types of crops. The various chemical fertilizers used for crop growth leads to enormous deposits of sodium in the roots of the plants. When the salinity the sodium content of the soil is high the sodium would settle heavily around the roots of the plants.
The arability of the soil also badly is affected by the use of chemical fertilizers. Thus the nutrient absorption capacity of the roots of the plants are beset by the build up of sodium around them.
Using E M solution ( Effective Micro Organisms) shall remove such excessive salinity of the soil and help the crops to grow very healthy and give good yields. As the EM solution contains both aerobic and non aerobic micro nutrients, these will also reactivate the already existent micro nutrients in the soil which lie dormant .
Similarly the content of vam the micro organism in the EM solution will go a long way in boosting the nutrient absorption capacity of the plants and also will improve the resistance of the plants against disorders affecting the crops. When EM solution is sprayed on the leaves and foliage the time required for composting is quickened as the EM solution enriches them with micro organisms.
Thus the farmers by making use of the EM solution can reap bounty of harvest from their crops.