Aindhinai Thooyamalli Rice
The Aindhinai Thooyamalli traditional rice contain a lot of excellent health benefits. The consumption of Thooyamalli rice strengthens the nervous system. Thooyamalli traditional rice goes a long way in helping the diabetes patients with its property of fiber content that delays digestion process.
Aindhinai Thooyamalli rice also has the properties that rejuvenates inner organs especially the skin. Thus consumption of this rice helps retain youthfulness of the body.
Aindhinai Saamai ( Little Millet)
Aindhinai Saamai is the little millet is very rich in protein compared to conventional rice varieties. The characteristic of the little millet in giving the sense of fullness upon consumption is a special quality of little millet. Even a small quantity would be enough to give us a sense of satiation.
Little millet is one of the traditionally preferred millet and a different types of traditional types of recipes. Aindhinai little millet contains minerals such magnesium, calcium and potassium, vitamins B 6 and folic acid etc. As little millet has fiber this is best for the diabetic patients.
The good calcium content in this millet helps to keep the bones in good health. As the little millet has good amount of folic acid this is one of best food grain recommended for lactating mothers and those suffering from anemia.
The good fiber content in it helps greatly reduce constipation. And the little millet is good for the health of uterus in women and reduce problems that occur during menstruation cycle of women. Similarly for men this little millet goes a long way in improving the sperm count in men. Thus the little millet helps fight the highly prevailing health issue of infertility.
Aindhinai Varagarisi ( Kodo Millet)
Aindhinai kodo millet is efficient is eliminating toxicity of the body and helps reduce body mass weight. The staple grain of conventional rice varieties are polished ones that lose the vital minerals and B.complex compounds. This render them with being excessive in carbohydrates and ultimately bad cholesterol levels.
Thus comparatively Aindhinai Kodo Millet is much more recommended grain in place of diabetics and those with heart ailments caused by deposits of fat. Amino acids are very essential for the efficient functioning of faculties of brain and to protect bone marrow and enamel of the tooth.
Aindhinai Kodo millet contains 11 out of 12 necessary amino acids. This the acidic property in the kodo millet helps remove toxic elements in the body. It is rich is protein and natural biotic. And the porridge made out of Aindhinai Kodo millet can be given to babies six months their birth.
Kodo millet is also rich in niacin, antioxidants and B complex compounds. For menstruating and women in menopause periods this kodo millet gives relief from extreme spasms of pain. It is a panacea for diabetics, people suffering from cardiac issues in place of conventional rice varieties.
They could take the same two to three times a week to reduce the condition of constipation. Kodo millet is one of the few grains that gets cooked quickly and a different types of recipes could be prepared out of Kodo millet.