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Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

Christmas has arrived again to bring us a joyful season after a few years. The global community has already got in to its regular routine.

Let us celebrate this Christmas with its traditional fervour while ensuring the spirit of which to also radiate among all our neighbours. Aindhinai wishes you all Merry Xmas and a Happy and prosperous New year!

This festive season especially the arrival of the New Year 2023 makes us to forget the recent panicky pandemic filled years. Yes, the New Year begins   with hope.

The year 2022 that is about to end has been a fruitful one indeed for the Aindhinai FPO. We have had excellent association from agencies like SFAC and NIPKISAN. The activities of processing and marketing of organic produce and products were carried out in full swing this year unlike the previous two pandemic years.

Sale of traditional varieties of seeds, traditional rice varieties, lentils, cold pressed oil like sulphur free coconut oil, sesame oil etc picked up momentum during the year. The online marketing platforms like Amazon have been utilized for the marketing of Aindhinai products to a great extent. The agricultural inputs of bio-fertilizers, plant growth boosters, pest repellents were marketed by Aindhinai as part of promoting sustainable agriculture.

One of the prominent activities of Aindhinai FPO this year has been the Donkey farming.  Donkeys in distress and threat of life have been rescued from various parts of the state.

This has saved those donkeys from torture and death. The donkeys that are maintained at Aindhinai graze as well are provided with nutritional concentrates and medical assistance whenever necessary.

As part of this pioneering donkey conservation initiative awareness on donkey rearing and its benefits was generated and training programs the same were conducted frequently here. This activity is amply supported by social media coverage and around 1 million people have been reached on donkey rearing.

And as this year 2022 is coming to a close, we wish to thank all our associates in particular the agencies like.. And the consumers who have made use of Aindhinai products and wish them all Merry Xmas and a Prosperous New Year.

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