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Let this Diwali bring Happiness!

Deepavali or Diwali as it is called in some parts of the country is a festival of light and is celebrated across India and in the countries to where Indians have migrated to.

But during the last three years since the outbreak of Covid pandemic in 2020 Diwali was not celebrated the way it used to be traditionally. The spirit of the festival was completely missing thanks to the strict covid protocols that were in force.

Children are the ones who enjoy any festival irrespective of caste creed and color and they missed the Deepavali celebrated in its traditional fervor during the pandemic years. Now thankfully normalcy has returned and people are able to go ahead with their daily routine.

Like most other sections, the farmers and their families suffered a lot during the pandemic years. Their livelihood was hit in various ways due to the extremely restricted transportation necessitated by the pandemic protocols.

Their produce and value added products could not be transported for months because of the same. The marginal and small farmers bore the brunt of the same.

During these difficult times Aindhinai FPO went all out to help not only the members of the FPO but the entire farming community of the region. In association with the Tamil Nadu government state horticulture department Aindhinai FPO helped in the marketing of their produce such as vegetables etc. The produce were transported in small trucks as mobile vending carrying them across the district of Tiruchirappalli city and neighboring areas.

Along with this the steep hike in agriculture inputs like fertilizers has further affected the farmers. In order to counter such costs Aindhinai FPO has been propagating sustainable agriculture practices. Aindhinai farmers produce organic fertilizers and pest repellents and market the same. Marketing of various products of farmers such as traditional rice varieties and oil also is being promoted aggressively.

This apart, Aindhinai FPO has involved itself in Donkey farming as one of the supportive income generation initiative for the farmers. The donkey milk is in high demand for its excellent health benefits and high nutritional value and it is considered as equivalent with human mother’s milk. Similarly Donkey milk is used in the production of cosmetic items.

And Aindhinai has been disseminating many such information, generating awareness among the farming community for their welfare and empowerment through social media such as Youtube and Facebook.

And now this year not only the members of Aindhinai the entire farming community feel extremely relieved and prepare to celebrate the festival of Diwali with the traditional fervor and spirit. At this juncture let us all strive contribute towards improving the lot of farmers who can not afford to celebrate the Diwali as well .

Wishing you all Happy Diwali!

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