Functional Structure
The four committees Purchase Committee, Sales Committee, Marketing Committee, Finance Committee of farmers manage and coordinate the different phases that form part of the process towards ensuring fair price and profitability for the produce and value added products of the farmers. The committees comprise of three farmers each representing the major agricultural produce and products procurement regions namely Musiri, Thottiyam, Thuraiyur, Lalgudi and Manapparai respectively.
Purchase Committee
The Purchase Committee is the base of Ainthinai commercial chain of activities. The committee members take care of the procurement of agriculture produce and the value added products from the share holders of Ainthinai and other farmers in the region who wish to market their produce through Ainthinai. A total of 26 various produce and value added products such as fertilizers, pesticides, plant nutrient tonics and decoctions like, organic manure and the vermin compost, bathing soil, panchakavya, komiyam etc. and Livestock are procured and marketed. More importantly, the nontraditional avenue of income generation through marketing of local specific natural material such as Dry cow dung cakes, Distilled cow urine, Panchakavya Lamp Activated charcoal is being ensured by Ainthinai for the share holders.
Marketing Committee
The three member Marketing committee markets the farmers’ produce and value added products. The committee members find out different sources to market them. Currently both the Ainthinai members and other farmers of the area make up the bulk of the source of buying.
Sales Committee
The Sales Committee oversees the sale of the commodities procured from the members of Ainthinai and other farmers. The value added products of organic manure and vermin compost, activated charcoal etc are much in demand throughout the year.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee members monitor the financial aspects such as cash inflow, inward and outward of the produce and the value added products.