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Hands-On for a Greener Tomorrow

Aindhinai Eco- Agri Volunteerism offers include local site seeing tours.

It is time that we need to take a break from this monotony and life of artificiality. We need to relax ourselves in the lively environment of natural surroundings that provide us the food.

Be part of the natural surroundings and the life in the Village. This includes the rural folk and animals that form part of rural environment like Cattle, Goats, Sheep, Donkeys and Country chicken.

Aindhinai FPO offers the unique experience by ensuring the feel of the ambience of rural households and day to day life of the farmers. This is made possible by the offer to participate in the Eco- Agri volunteerism of Aindhinai Farmers Producer Company (AFPC)

This exposure to livestock farming just as practiced by the local communities shall prove to be an exciting Cultural Exchange between the urban and rural folk who live in natural surroundings and engaged in traditional forms of livestock rearing and their day-today life style.

Aindhinai Eco- Agri Volunteerism offers include local site seeing tours.

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