Being one of the farms with a large herd of donkeys in the state of Tamil Nadu in India, Aindhinai has been in to the sale of the milk of donkey. Throughout the world the benefits of donkey milk is well known and hence many countries around the globe are actively involved in donkey rearing and sale of donkey milk and other donkey oriented products.
In particular, countries like Greece, Italy Germany etc have been having a big number of donkey farms and sale of donkey milk and cosmetic products made of donkey milk. The donkey milk is sought after for the innumerable benefits that come from it. Donkey milk is on par with human milk and superior to cow and buffalo milk.
The milk of donkey has vitamin a,b,c and e and comprises of very minimal cholesterol with hardly 8.6 gram of cholesterol per 100 grams of milk. It is rich in hyaluronic acid, enormous amount of anti ageing properties.
It has been traditionally used as agent for skin care and for having glowing skin. Donkey milk contains enormous amount of antioxidants and doesn’t have the kind of allergic properties that the former have.
With excellent antimicrobial content in it, the donkey milk helps in the treatment of antiviral and antibacterial infections. In traditional systems of medicine donkey mik is also used as medicine to contain lung inflammation in the traditional systems like Ayurvedha, Siddha and Unani.
The natural antibodies of the donkey milk makes it a wonderful recipe for improving the immunity in humans as well. Some research results show that donkey milk can be effective in preventing the excessive cell growth found in patients suffering from some types of cancer.
Aindhinai has been selling Donkey milk obtained from the huge herd of donkeys being maintained here in our farm. Any one wishes to buy donkey milk can contact the following numbers for purchase of donkey milk.