Healthy Animals, Thriving Farms
TRAINING ON TRADITIONAL AND INNOVATIVE METHODS OF GOAT FARMING! Get trained in Livestock Farming Centre at Aindhinai Farmers Producer Company!
Since Aindhinai Livestock farming training center is formed and managed by farmers themselves. They make training a completely practical one involving the trainees themselves in every activity of the process of farming to make goat farming a professionally managed productive venture.
Yes training programs are conducted by training institutions on livestock farming. But most of them are mainly theory oriented with demonstrations. But with the objective of increasing the volume of breeding with traditional wisdom and healthy maintenance of livestock population Aindhinai Farmers Producer Company has commenced training on livestock farming with innovative ways by incorporating traditional practices and modern methods.
Goats & Sheep
Goats and sheep have been one of the earliest wild animals that were domesticated by humans. Their contribution to the fulfillment of protein requirements of the human race has been going on from time immemorial. Hundreds of breeds of goats and sheep are raised all over the world.
There are many other breeds that are considered good for meat, milk and even skin and fur.
As consumption of beef is restricted due to the cultural sentiments attached to the same, mutton is the most sought after red meat among a vast majority of the populations across the nation. Hence, rearing of goat and sheep has all along been an allied agricultural activity throughout the country. Due to very high liquidity of as an asset, goat is even considered as the bank debit card of the poor farmers.
Wastes of goats and sheep are the most important part of traditional agriculture, being one of the major sources of organic manure. In the southern states like Tamil Nadu, there is an age old practice of hiring herds of small ruminants of goats and sheep called “Aattukkidai”.

Goats & Sheep
In this practice that is still in vogue, farmers with herds of goats and sheep get the animals camped at the lands of farmers whose agricultural lands lie vacant after harvest. These lands are turned as temporary pens for the herds for a particular number of days. The deposits of urine and excreta of the animals camping on the lands make the top soil fertile before the season of cultivation. The agricultural fields thus serviced by the herds of goats go a long way in keeping the soil organically fertilized.
So the utility of goats are multifarious here but the demand for meat outscores that of supply thanks to the consumption of mutton being on the rise in recent decades triggered by the middle class boom. The price of goat meat has been soaring always.
While the demand for goats has been multiplying year after year, the restricted number of goats and sheep being bred by farmers alone can not meet the demand. Hence in order to meet this heavily rising demand new attempts are being made to produce more number of goats and sheep in recent times. Innovative methods like stall fed goats are being taken up.

Similarly, donkeys are an integral part of rural life in many villages, their utility is multifarious. Now their contribution as burden carriers and poor man’s horse is not as predominant as in the past.
But other factors of being the provider of milk with rich medicinal properties and raw materials for valuable cosmetics have made them much sought after.
Donkeys are also considered as symbol of good omen that brings good luck. And hence donkeys are an important constituent of the livestock in the Aindhinai FPC livestock farming training center.